We have tutors standing by that will meet with you when you are available. Find the tutor that works best for you and checkout their biographies.
''Learning to develop is hard and being willing to accept help is sometimes harder. Our tutors have hearts of a teacher and they will make sure you are understanding. ''
How does scheduling a tutor work?
Read the bio's of our tutors and pick the one that you think would work well with. Tutoring sessions are sold in 1 hour blocks. If tutors can not solve the problem your block of time will be returned.
Same Day Tutoring
1 Hour Blocks
Completely Online
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Meet Our Code Camp Tutors
The following tutors have a background in development as well as instructing/coaching. Every tutor has the heart and willingness to support you when you need it.
Marco Lopez
4 Year Developer and 3 years Instructing. Speaks English and Spanish
Jason Line
Web Developer and Instructor Jason has been helping students learn for 3 years.
Jonathan Cernero
Junior Developer and Instructor. Jonathan has a passion for code and loves helping students.
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What our Students Say
Pre Code Camp not only loves their students but we love to hire great Instructors that want to see people succeed.
Code Camp Tutors have help me a lot in understanding concepts.
Adam Sadler
Code Camper
Jason is very patient and makes sure that I have all my questions answered before I leave his zoom room.
Kyle Johnson
Code Camper
Having Code Camp provide schedules of their tutors means that I can work on my projects knowing that someone is standing by.